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In Between

Writer's picture: Bridged AtkinsBridged Atkins

Journal entry 4/25/23

Sitting here with my little doppio campana from a little coffee nook in my home town in the PNW. The sun is finally out and I think we are feeling a sprout of spring. Actual SPRING!

Last weekend, my husband and I cleared away brush, leaves, and cleaned the flower pots to make room for new annuals and perennials as well as some veggies for the garden.

I thought I'd take a moment in between appointments today to enjoy some quiet and different scenery to write, other than my cozy chair at home.

I started this website in 2020 when I published my first children's story. The blog shares back story about the creation of The Dream Tree as well as thoughts and reflections about the writing process, storytelling, poetry, reflections, journaling, etc. Currently on the blog, I'm writing about my paintings and the story behind the colors, the foundation, and communicating it to the world. My goal is to get my 35mm out, dust it off, and get some clearer photos of the paintings in order to make cards or prints. I look forward to posting them here. Stay tuned!

This venture in painting has opened a new door to creativity. I never knew I'd have so much fun! I'm finding that I've slowly taken over our joint office space at home. Sometimes I get so carried away that I notice paint flicked on the walls or floor. OOPS! Thank goodness acrylics are easy clean up! I keep moving stuff around in this space to make it more user friendly and bright. My paints and canvases are slowly taking over (Smile). As the weather gets better and the sun comes out to play more often, I think I'll move my studio outside on the porch. To hear the birds singing as they come back to their little nests and the green buds waking up from their slumber to the Mountain tops displaying their majesty. Great inspiration.

Oh to be outside again! Feels so good.

So, as I sip my last little tidbit of coffee and head to my next appointment, I just wanted to say thanks for being here. Hope your week is off to a great start!

Photo by Bridged Atkins: Birch Bay - A place to chase the sunset, breathe, and recenter.

I read this heartfelt and powerful message from a teacher that someone posted on Facebook - I'm sure you've seen it circulating around at some point.


Yesterday, I shut down class about 5 minutes early and told my students I wanted them to just sit and talk to one another. Several of them immediately opened their laptops and began navigating to their favorite computer game.

I said, "No, no laptops. I want you to have face-to-face conversations right now."

After a collective groan went up, I observed something both wonderful and alarming. For the next few minutes, a couple of tables came alive with conversation. They looked at each other in the eyes and talked with great enthusiasm and interest. It was beautiful to watch and listen to.

However, many students were deflated. They did not know what to do without some sort of entertainment from a device. A couple of them put their heads down and avoided eye contact with anyone. I went around the room to those students and tried to engage with them. Some of them mustered a few words, but most didn't know what to do.

I share this story as a wakeup call for parents, grandparents, and guardians. It's tragic to me that a large percentage of today's youth do not know how to have real conversation, but it's not their fault. It is our responsibility as adults to lead by example and hold our kids accountable. Unplug every day, talk, and listen to your children. Getting lost in a device does not help them cope with and overcome the things they're going through mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All it causes is isolation and depression. They need relationships; they need you. I plan on doing it again today.

After reading this, it reminded me of something Brene Brown shared about connection in her book Daring Greatly and also my own reflections on connection.

Friday "Joy" Post

"Connection is why we're here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” - Brene Brown

Reflecting on the moments in the car traveling to and fro with my dad to a friends house without Google maps. Yup, sometimes we'd get lost. But always found our way. No cell phones, no distractions, just time (maybe listening to the baseball game). Being silly, singing out loud, laughing, and great conversations about life, friends, sports, and school. Connecting.

Reflecting on the moments in the car traveling to and fro with our kiddos. No cell phones, no distractions, just time. The best conversations happened during these moments. Captivating each other with conversations, problem solving, story telling, life stuff, school, friends, dreaming, singing out loud, dancing in our seats, laughing, and just being together. Connecting.

Reflecting on the moments in the car traveling to and fro with our grandkids. No cell phones, no distractions, just time. Still the best of all the above. One of my favorite conversations prompted by our grandson was in depth about bee's. WOW! He was completely in awe of all of them. We did research to answer the many questions we didn't have the answers too. Now, we look at bee's so differently. Connecting.

One of the best pieces of wisdom from a mentor of mine gave me, "We get so easily distracted as adults. It's not what's taught, it's what's caught." It's still a reminder to this day.

Reading, dancing, moving, walking, playing games (old school - like cards and board games), singing, playing music together, driving, riding bikes, nature hikes, swimming, beach combing, fishing, etc...bring us together.

Connection + relationship = memories.

We are all busy. Life gets busy. Connection is essential to life.


Circles, swirls, garden scape, sun, moon, time, spring, inspiration, joy, dreamy.

I had so much fun completing this painting. It took on several different shapes during the process and then everything clicked. I kept the sun/moon in the upper left corner intact from the second layer.


Be well, mind, heart, and body friends!


"Connection" Inspired by Elephant Revival "The Pasture"



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