When I was a young girl, I had a big imagination. I also had no fear. I was an adventurous little girl with a whimsical curiosity. I looked at life in wonder and didn't let anything stop me.
Like for example climbing on our dining room table and swinging from the chandelier, venturing into the pasture by myself looking for lost animals or visiting the cows, climbing trees, riding motor bikes, a trip to the Dr. because I thought I swallowed the big bead from my hair tie (freaked my mom out). My dad drove us to the Dr. office and my mom thought I was dying in her arms. My eyes were closed and I was limp as a noodle. My dad kept saying, "Keep her awake! Keep her awake!" We made it to the office through rush hour traffic. Got into the room and the Dr. checked me over and said "If she swallowed it wouldn't show up on an x-ray." After the Dr. left the room, I sat up and said, "I'm OK mommy and daddy and I feel better now, I just saw the Dr!" Low and behold, I didn't really swallow it (Oops!). I talked all the way home. My parents were relieved - and their teeth were clinched. I can only imagine!
Or, hiding under the clothes racks while my mom shopped and then disappearing into a changing room with as many clothes as I could carry to "try on" even though they were 5 times bigger than me. All the while, my mom is frantically trying to find me. She located a security guard and they both found me in the changing room on top of a pile of clothes. I got in big trouble for that. I was swiftly taken out of the clothing store and stood in front of the security guard and his little mall scooter. He scolded me and said, "You made your mom incredibly worried. Don't do that to her again." (Eek!) Soon after that very uncomfortable conversation with the security guard, my mom marched me over into The Bon Marche and she purchased a child harness. She swore she would never buy one of those for her children (Well, that changed with me!). The harness was a warning for me to never to escape from her sight again. Of course I agreed. (There was no way I was going to wear a harness!) Ummm. That lasted till we got to the Bon Marche woman's clothing department. Yeah, well. The rounders the clothes where hanging on were like monkey bars! It was just so fun to hide and climb on them. I couldn't resist! Once again, I escaped. I slipped out of my mom's sight. My mom found me and the harness came out of my her purse. My eyes got big, I bit my lips, and my face turned red. I was busted! I yelled, "No! No! I'm not a dog!" Of course all the other shoppers heard my plea. My mom's friend was shopping with us and said, "I'll meet you in the car Georgia!" My poor mom. God help her! (I'm so sorry mom). As she put it on me, I then proceeded to get on all fours and started barking like a dog. Yes. Yes. I did. I did do that. Crazy enough friends, I remember this moment. Gosh, I completely embarrassed my mom and to this day that story is always brought up at some family gathering. However, I don't remember wearing that harness again. Sigh. I kept my mom hopping - that is for sure. Never a dull moment! She always said "If I were her first child, I would have been an only child!" I added some gray hairs to her her head! YIKES! High energy and fun. Right mom? Whoo hoo!
Mom you are amazing. I love you to the moon and back. You get the medal of honor for dealing with my crazy and sometimes terrifying antics. Thank you. You also helped me grow. You instilled in me right from wrong. I may have stretched the boundaries in free flying and adventure, but your love never changed. It was and still is so deep and wide. You taught me what having a conscience was. To listen to my inner spirit and to always lean into letting it guide me. For that I am forever grateful. The morals, values, faith, ethics, loyalty, to treat others with dignity and respect, to step out of the comfort zone, to be thankful, and to do the right thing, are stitched carefully into my life quilt, which I wrap around me daily.
You are a light Mama. Thank you for being my beacon in life when the weather tossed and turned me. You, always remain the same. Arms wide open - ready to receive the loved one that needs to be loved.
I love dancing with you mom. From the moment I found the beat and rhythm in music, we've had a blast dancing together. To see you and dad on the dance floor is always a beautiful sight. Every person in the room can't stop smiling from watching you two. It's because your love is out there on the floor with your beaming smiles and connecting trust - to share with the world.
You and dad are our anchor and roots that holds our family. Thank you both for your strength and courage and carving a new path for you, your children, your children's children, and beyond. Love you!

Thank you Jann Arden for these beautiful lyrics that stir the soul.
"Good Mother" - Jann Arden
"I’ve got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I’ve got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I’ve got a car
I’ve got a good mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
I’ve never wanted anything
No I’ve, no I’ve, I’ve never wanted anything
So bad...so bad
Cardboard masks of all the people
I’ve been
Thrown out with all the rusted, tangled
Dented gosh dang miseries (PG rated this change)
You could say I’m hard to hold
But if you knew me you’d know
I’ve got a good father
And his strength is what makes me cry
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
I’ve never wanted anything so bad...
So bad
I’ve got money in my pocket
I like the color of my hair
I’ve got a friend who loves me
Got a house, I’ve got a car
I’ve got a good mother
And her voice is what keeps me here
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Facing forward
Be yourself
Heart in hand
Feet on ground
Facing forward
Be yourself
just be yourself
Just be yourself
Feet on ground
Heart in hand
Feet on ground"
This song will always speak to me and move me forward on step at a time.
Love you Mama