The Moon - Oh how it connects us. So many miles away from loved ones. The moon follow us wherever we go. The moon is balance. It controls the ebbs and flows of the ocean. It is constant. The phases keep us on track; cycles of the calendar, planting, harvest, mind, heart, and body. When I look at the moon it calms my heart. It helps me to breathe, centers me, and connects my soul to the Universe, God, our Creator. The brightness of the moon reflects on our lives and envelopes us in its beauty.

When I visited the full moon each month, when the clouds parted, during our travels abroad and around the globe, I embraced the soulful connection that's unexplainable. The completed painting to some eyes may look like the earth because of the colors splashed and layered on the canvas. However, the blues represented are what I see as the Moon's Soul.
With the naked eye we see the moon as white with grey blotches. The pure white moon glimmering in the sky.
I see the soul of the beautiful moon with my favorite color. All the hues of blue.

Per Google:
Blue soul color - Purpose is to bring diplomacy and calm to the world. These are the peacemakers. They are pure in heart, loyal, dependable, and spiritual. The purpose is to bring divine will and infinite peace in the world. They bring balanced wisdom and provide harmonious perspective so that all feel heard.
Blue represents Heaven - Holy spirit and truth
Blue Chakra - Ability to communicate, listen, and effectively use our creative energy
Had no idea about all of this when I started painting!
The moon has significance to family and friends. Saying "Cheers" to each other from one side of the world to the other with those we love and hold dearly.
Letting our children and grands know how precious their existence is.
"I love you to the moon and back times infinity and forever" may sound redundant, but it is the unending and unconditional love that is so deep and pure. Constant as the moon's perfect circle is the same as the constant of love that never ends.

The "Moon Soul" is a reflection and reminder of how I want to live life. Full, constant, pure, carefree, loyal, rich, beautiful, colorful, bright, while enjoying each phase, cycle and season.
This piece was made specifically for my grandchildren - "I love you to
the moon and back times infinity and forever."