Remembering the flavors, scents, and colors of many spices in Nepal, is the inspiration behind this painting.
A lovely journey back in time to the many walks Marty and I would take on the market street paths in different cities.
Our favorite city is Bhaktapur. Ancient temples, colorful tapestry, art, wood workings, veggies, fruit, and bins and bins of brilliant colored fresh spices. A very special place to stroll, visit, and admire the rich history.
Also reflected in the paintings are layers of texture representing the different terrains of land - terraces, hills, valleys, and fields.
The endless Tibetan knot is nestled in the painting as well as three small knots woven in the textures and colors.

My thoughts as I enjoyed creating this:
Endless knot - Symbol of the ultimate unity of everything and endless compassion and wisdom
Gold - The richness of culture, purity, and treasure
Red - The blessing tikka for victory, success and good fortune
Colors - Spices masala, fenugreek seed, nigella seed, cumin seed, black mustard seed, fennel, ginger, turmeric, chili powder, and coriander powder
Namaste - A greeting showing appreciation, respect, and peace.
“The divine in me honors the divine in you.”