Dear Music, Thanks for always clearing my head, healing my heart, and lifting my spirits - Lori Deschene
Music inspires. Music cares. Music loves. music heals. Music listens. Music moves.
While we were far from home, living abroad, our connection to each other was through music and the moon. Sending love letters to each other through song, tugging our hearts and drawing us nearer. It was our way of knowing we'll be home together soon and that warm embrace from each other will ground us in gratitude.
Photo: Our granddaughter MQ and our daughter Katie, who now lives abroad, strumming and connecting
I heard this song "Sing to the moon" by Elephant Revival and it says exactly how I feel every time I see the glorious moon.
May the full moon shine bright wherever you may be on the planet.
Take care, be well, and cheers to you family and friends.
Hugs, Bridged

Photo: Google